Organizing and keeping things clean is easier said than done. So today I bring to you tips on caring for your cosmetic bag – How to Clean and Organize Your Makeup Bag. You will thank me after reading all the tips.
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness”
John Wesley

The above phrase should be our everyday motto. A Japanese strategy called the “5S” strategy which I learned about recently is often used in manufacturing sectors.
Among the 5S strategy, the first three S are : “Seiri” – “Sort”; “Seiton- Set in order” and “Seiso” which means “shine”.
This signifies; tidiness, orderliness, and cleanliness to set up a regular cleaning schedule to avoid faults. Don’t you think this can be practiced by everyone? in our daily work routines? Well, I’d say yes for sure and that it’s an excellent practice.
My relation to the above strategy to your readers might be a bit confusing. I have met and visited and seen so many of my peers’ homes and the major problem I noticed was that every dressing table was a big mess; every cosmetic kit was shabby. This triggered me and I wanted to give them all a solution and simple yet effective ways to re-organise their dressing table or cosmetic case simplify their lives a bit and also save time.
I got into deep thinking, and this thought was stuck in my mind, I then decided I had to ask someone for some major tips to care for our cosmetic case and what’s the best method to do it.
I started checking my contact list and I opened social media apps like Instagram and saw some influencers and professional makeup artists in the industry. It then struck me that My cousin is a professional makeup artist. I did not hesitate for a moment and I directly messaged her and asked her a few questions and she gave me the best tips from her experience.
A professional makeup artist states the most important thing about her vanity bag is having clean tools. Because the clients rely on it the most.

Tips and Tricks for your makeup kits from the professional artist herself.
Hello readers! Having accumulated more than 5 years of experience as a professional makeup artist, I have encountered various makeup products and tools and observed how they withstand the test of time and care. As a result, I would like to share some insights that will help you make the most of your cherished makeup items.
1. Keep it organized
My number one step to care for personal makeup is to keep them organized. Start by organizing your makeup products and tools in a clean and designated space. Use compartments, drawers, or organizers to separate and store different items, making them easily accessible and preventing them from getting damaged. Maintain a cleaning schedule to ensure they are sanitized and in their best condition.
2. Cleanse your makeup brushes and tools regularly
Dirty brushes and tools can affect the performance of your makeup and harbor bacteria. We don’t want a sty or a rash due to dirty brushes, do we? Frequently, I receive inquiries about sponges and brushes, and my advice is to choose what suits you best.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that sponges require more frequent/thorough cleaning compared to brushes. Brushes can always be spot-cleaned using a brush cleaner and a tissue or a cloth.
A brush or a sponge that has dried makeup on it can affect the application of fresh makeup and also reduce the longevity of makeup products. Invest in sanitation products to frequently clean your brushes, pallets, lash curlers, lip pencils, etc

3 . Pick products wisely
Always check for expiry dates on the packaging when you buy makeup. Especially with online shopping, it’s easy to miss out on this. Try to understand the science behind makeup and it will help you make better choices. Forex, powder products have a better shelf life compared to cream products. Buy mini-size lipsticks, and lipglosses for personal use than the full-size ones which most often will expire before you finish the tube.
4. Avoid sharing makeup
It’s best to avoid sharing your personal makeup products with others and vice versa. Especially avoid sharing used sponges, and puffs as they accumulate sweat and moisture and can cause rashes. So always sanitize it before sharing. Liquid lipsticks, liquid eyeliners, and cream blushes should be strictly avoided from sharing as they cannot be sanitized after using directly.

5. Store in a cool, dry place
Proper storage is crucial for maintaining the quality of your makeup. If you live in extremely hot weather, put your foundations and other cream/liquid products inside the fridge when you don’t need your makeup for several days.
Hope these tips and tricks help you in keeping your makeup kit clean, organized, and in good condition, ensuring that your products perform optimally and are safe to use.
Do It Yourself (DIY) – How to Clean and Organize Your Makeup Bag quick tips
Sharing a few other tips that I have tried and tested to keep my dressing table and cosmetic cases clean and organized.
- Remember sunlight always acts as an anti-bacterial agent; so when you wash your tools for ex; brushes, combs, sponges, etc you can leave them to dry under the sun if not use the blow dryer.
- If you are not willing to buy storage boxes; or don’t think there’s a need to invest in one, then; you can always use old shoe boxes. Start creating compartments in them by using a rubber band and placing it as per the spacing you require to fill your tools in the box.
- Another tip to clean dirty combs and make them dust-free is; which I learned from my Mom. Dip your combs in a mug of water or a tray next add 2 spoons of table salt and leave it for about 10 minutes. Remember to check it so that either sides of the comb are absorbed fully. The accumulated dust particles will begin to leave the comb, take an old toothbrush and start cleaning it. To your surprise, it will be so clean and dust-free.
- In your cosmetic case or your makeup basket or drawer place tissues before you fill it. This helps you avoid the case from being dirtied and eases cleaning it.

This blog is in collaboration with Vijetha Karthik, a professional makeup artist. My purpose in collaborating with professional makeup artists is to give you all expert advice. I hope this blog has done justice. Our motto is to help busy individuals to find the right products and make life simple.
Dear readers, I hope I have in some way made your life a whole lot easier. Sharing my small experiences with you all and tips from the experts is my favorite job at The Petite Reviews.
Until next time stay happy and party well this festive season.
Hope you enjoyed reading about the Significance of Sindhoor in India. Read more posts on Body Care here, Facial Care here & Hair Care here.
She is an artist by passion and a tax practitioner by profession. A writer for a living. She follows in simplicity as the way of life. To her style is being comfortable in what you wear.