All of us have different skin tones, and although we all put a lot of effort and patience into looking after our skin, still we are unsatisfied. Having said that certain parts of our body need a little more attention and a little more effort. Our skin can get dry and flaky if not maintained properly. So a body scrub was created to get rid of dry, dead skin and help us get clean and new skin. Today we are writing on the Health and Glow Shower Scrub Yogurt Fusion Review.

The skin, on our elbows, knees, underarms, behind the neck, in between thighs, and buttocks is often neglected. Most of them have really flaky or very dry skin in these areas. I have observed so many people and although they have really beautiful personalities the only thing that’s not taken care of would be their elbows or knees.
Most people may not even observe it or maybe don’t care much about it. Perhaps we think it’s not so visible, unlike our shoulders. However, that is not true. It is visible and it does need your attention and also grabs attention.
What causes dryness in the skin of elbows, knees, or overall body?
The cause of dryness could be several factors like extreme weather conditions, working out, lack of oiling, and lack of moisturization. Folks I stated all the above because even I was negligent about my skin on the elbows and my knees.
Once while I was watching a model hunt reality show on television, I heard a contestant say that she took so much care of her skin and she didn’t spare any parts including her elbows and knees. Apparently one of the panelists in the show was very appreciative of how she took utmost care of her skin, and not just of her face but also of her hands and feet.
This contestant had made it a ritual to pamper her skin with love. That is when I had a aha moment. I was enlightened. I bet probably several other viewers felt the same way I did. Now I have to ask you, did you have a look at your knees and elbows after reading this?
Product as per the Brand
The body scrub I am reviewing today is a product of Health & Glow. It is a Body scrub or shower scrub with yogurt. I purchased this product to take care of my skin, especially on my elbows and knees. Keep reading to learn about my experience
The product claims it is a premium rich lathering formulation with a mild yet effective skin cleanser, its conditioning and moisturizing ingredients help skin to maintain a natural pH balance. Use regularly for healthy glowing and soft skin.
If you want to know more about how to use a body scrub and what wonders it does to your skin, then stop wondering and start scrolling down; without peeling off your skin xD.
Facts about Health and Glow Shower Scrub
Shelf life: 2 years
Texture: Liquid soap
Colour: White
Fragrance: Strong strawberry

My experience with the Health and Glow Shower Scrub
My experience after using this product was so satisfying that I could not wait to share it with you all. I had to travel a lot during summer and let me tell you that the weather conditions in a tropical climate are always extreme. The summer tanned my skin and led to dryness despite applying sunscreen and moisturizing my hands and legs well. So my face was very well taken care of cause I really can’t afford to ruin it, you know what I mean. However, since I hadn’t protected my hands and legs, they were calling out to me for attention.
I got this product after my relaxing travel therapy was over since I needed some self-care. At this point, seeing how bad my skin had become on my vacations, I remembered the model I had watched in the show and had a glance at my elbows and knees. I had felt so bad that it was so flaky and so dry.
So I used this product like it stated which was scrubbing my skin with it. I was relieved when I saw the dead, dry skin coming off. The body scrub has granules or beads and it does wonders by leaving the skin extremely smooth and is very gentle in application.
It didn’t cause rashes or redness. It contains a little soap so I didn’t have to use a body wash again, and once rinsed it shows results of soft and new skin, just like what it claims.
I was impressed and satisfied and decided to use it at least once a week, even though the product suggested using a body scrub twice a week. I personally believe too much exfoliation is bad for the skin, so use it when needed.
How to use the Health and Glow Shower Scrub
The labels of the product state the manner of usage, so, what do we do? Follow it. You just have to Pour the shower gel scrub on a wet loofah or on your wet palm; apply gently over your body to lather and rinse off. So simple; just pour, scrub, rinse! that’s it.
When to use the Health and Glow Shower Scrub
A body scrub has no specific time to be used. If you have been out at the beach, or been on travel therapy or you simply want to pamper yourself; then use a body scrub. This is a product to be used during the shower, so do as it says. If you are using a body scrub, then there is no reason to use a bar of soap again as this product already contains soap. So use it generously and remove all the dirt and damage done to your skin and get new and improved skin.
The shower gel is sealed within a flip-over recyclable bottle. The bottle is lightweight and ordinary. It can fit in any bag or bathroom shelf. All the necessary details and descriptions are stated on the outer cover of the bottle and it is very transparent so you know when to get a refill.
Pros and Cons of the Health and Glow Shower Scrub
- The packaging is good
- The small beads in the scrub are quite effective
- Easy to use and carry anywhere
- The aroma is not too overwhelming
- Effective to remove dead skin
- Value for money
- The Covering could be improved as it is easily breakable
Final verdict on the Health and Glow Shower Scrub
My verdict is it’s a good buy. It does the job of a scrub really well and as a body wash too, resulting in two benefits in one use. Overall, happy that it makes our skin dirt-free and soft . I can safely say that it does leave your skin healthy, glowing and soft, as per the packaging. Use the scrub until the dead skin is rubbed out.
Where to buy?
The Health & Glow products are available in all their merchandise stores and also on the official website. Yes, it’s definitely available on Amazon too. I will leave an affiliate link below.
Hope you enjoyed reading about the Health and Glow Shower Scrub Youghurt Fusion Review. Read more posts on Body Care here, Facial Care here & Hair Care here.
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She is an artist by passion and a tax practitioner by profession. A writer for a living. She follows in simplicity as the way of life. To her style is being comfortable in what you wear.