I have heard of people comparing themselves to a Panda! and making statements like – “Oh! I look like a Panda today with these dark patches under my eyes!”. Many of my friends ask me how can they reduce dark circles, how to brighter under eye skin, and what is the cause of dark circles. Today, I am going to answer all these questions in this article, Dark Circles – How to fix this Dark Problem?

It’s ironic how we are compared to a Panda bear. In contrast, panda bears are supposed to be cute for their dark patchy eyes. We humans consider it as a touch of sarcasm or a means of shaming how we look.
Let’s not go in circles and instead jump directly to the problem for many, like me, “Dark Circles”.
What causes dark circles?
I envy the ones who don’t have dark circles. The sedentary lifestyle today has made us all fix our glance to the screens rather than to the sunshine in the open sky. I did a lot of research and testing to first find out what are the causes of dark circles and how can we get rid of them. Do you know what I found out?
The reasons behind dark circles, as per beauty experts and skin doctors, is:-
- Too much screen time
- Lack of going outdoors
- Deficiency of vitamin D
- Lack of drinking enough water – dehydration
- Allergies
- Genetics
- Excess melanin
- UV damage
- Alchohol Hangovers & Smoking.
If you are familiar with these then you need to start deciding what’s best for you or take help and measures to reduce them.
Now that you are aware of the causes scroll down to know how to overcome the problem of dark circles.
What’s more concerning is even little children today, have adapted to the world of technology. Hence they have forgotten to soak themselves in the sun and stay nourished and healthy. This concerning lifestyle is the biggest cause of dark circles.
Experts have stated several underlying causes for dark circles. It is so common today that cosmetic brands have started selling products to reduce dark circles to ease people’s lives. This was not the case a decade ago.
How to reduce and stop dark circles?
Sleep! Eat! Repeat! It’s that easy!
In this filtered face app generation, we need to filter our body from toxins and toxic traits in order to get rid of the patchy dark circles. This contributes to making our skin below the eye appear different than the rest of our face and makes us look older than our actual age.
I see so many people every day and what I notice though they all are well-dressed in dark circles. Some cover it up with makeup, or some wear shades to avoid it from being visible.
Today many have started taking baby steps towards reducing it; by making small efforts. You can vouch for this blog to reduce dark circles and make you feel happy and confident in yourself.
1. Regular sleep:
The best remedy for dark circles is not unknown to humanity, it’s clear. Yes, you guessed that right it is Sleep. I repeat “Good sleep”.
Sleep schedule is the biggest problem faced by millions of people today. I wonder how people get to sleep as soon as they lay on the couch or just fall on the bed; I really envy them. Because I can’t sleep so quickly.
So how much sleep does an adult require? Well, doctors and research recommend about 7- to 8 hours a day. This is mandatory. Less sleep hours will take a toll on your brain and also on your health. I am sure you may argue that with the sedentary lifestyle, you hardly get time to blink; and I am asking you to sleep. sigh.
My friends if you don’t sleep enough you surely can’t function properly and compromising your sleep means asking health problems to pin you.
So how to sleep? The major problem right? Just one simple step; decide how much time you need to scroll on your phone or tab before you sleep and how much time you will keep for simple exercise or reading time to get sleep.
2. Water:
The average human requires at least glasses of water that’s about 2 litres of water daily. Which is the ” cardinal rule”. So staying hydrated not only benefits your skin but your entire body needs water to function and prevent all kinds of diseases.
Remember to get enough fluids and water especially is vital. This will reduce stress and keep you hydrated thereby reducing the formation of dark circles.
3. Healthy lifestyle:
Lifestyle changes are considered the most evident cause of the occurrence of dark circles. Choosing to stay healthy and eat healthy is a life-changing decision and it requires effort and understanding of oneself to adjust to a new norm.
Healthy lifestyle changes start at your comfort; a brisk walk, simple exercises, avoiding fatty food, and consuming less sugar are the small changes that you can begin with. By doing this it will gradually become a habit and surely you will be proud of yourself and your body will thank you for respecting it.
It takes 7 days to form a habit; so challenge yourself just for 7 days to do the right thing and then it will become a habit and you will follow it in your daily routine.
I am not a doctor or nutritionist to state the above. From personal experience and awareness, I have made it a norm that even if I have a hectic day and no time for exercise; the least I can do is climb the stairs to reach my office or take a walk to my home, and avoid sugar in my food. These small changes will certainly help in staying healthy.
Yes, it takes time to get adjusted but it is not impossible. Hence Lifestyle changes are necessary as prevention is better than cure.
How to remove dark circles naturally?
The Not so “dark” secret.
Once my colleague approached me and said. ‘ you and I work the same hours but why don’t you have dark circles? I simply said well; I sleep on time.
But folks that’s just one my not so “dark” secret. Today I am revealing some major secrets and life-saving tips to get rid of dark circles and to stop calling yourselves a Panda bear!
My Secrets Unveiled:
1. Cool cucumber:
Cucumber has a cooling and soothing effect. You can simply cut them into rinds place them below your eyes and rest for 30 mins. This reduces the stress in your eyes and also lightens the dark circles. Cucumber contains water and acts as a hydrating agent.
If you do not have much time to cut and keep them on simply remember to add cucumber to your meals as it keeps you hydrated and is the best supplement for water, or just have cucumber juice to get all the benefits.
2. Milk:
Among the people I know; few have always said they hate consuming milk. I even know a few people who are lactose intolerant. But a little bit of milk is going to give you that clear, stress-free under-eye skin.
All you have to do is dab a cotton pad in cold milk or room temperature and place it below your eyes. You can give a light massage and rest for a while; while you leave it below your eyes. Doing this regularly will gradually reduce dark circles.
This is one of my biggest secrets to not having dark circles. I love having a hot cup of milk and it has worked wonders.
Beauty products for reducing dark circles.
In the above paragraphs, I stated about home remedies and lifestyle changes for reducing dark circles from recurring. Here the Highlight is on whether beauty products claim the reduction of dark circles.
With the high rise in problems with dark circles and everyone complaining about how they look, cosmetic brands have made life a little easier and have introduced us to under-eye creams, serums, and under-eye masks.
If you ask me I am yet to try these products. But I asked the experts and they stated the difference between an eye cream and an eye serum.
Eye creams have more oil content and less water content and eye serums have more water content. Remember that for the acne-prone and sensitive skin fellas, the recommendation is to use an under-eye serum.
And for the ones battling dark circles always others the experts recommend using an under cream or a serum.
Many of my peers who have used the under-eye serum and the under-eye masks have stated that It has really helped them get rid of the dark circles and using it regularly has made their under-eye skin better and has lightened it too.
Look for the eye creams with vitamin C and caffeine content and the ones that are medically recommended. Always choose wisely. Get rid of the dark patches and be happy in your skin again.
In my next blog, I will be sharing my experience of using some effective under-eye creams, serums, or masks. Stay tuned!
The choice is yours!
It’s your choice so choose wisely! Whether you want to be called fresh as a flower or a Panda bear.
End the days of dark circles and bring about brightness. My friends I hope you will make an effort to start making small changes to feel happy about yourself and be unbothered by the dark patches.
Hope you enjoyed reading this article written with love. Read more posts on Body Care here, Facial Care here & Hair Care here.♥
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She is an artist by passion and a tax practitioner by profession. A writer for a living. She follows in simplicity as the way of life. To her style is being comfortable in what you wear.